Many students, with lots of plans, goals, worries...
Many other people with a smile in their face...
others who are looking for a smile, or somewhere to sleep...
people who still want something from life...
they are willing to give me even a smile.

I saw old friends,
carrying on with their plans,
making the best of what life gives them,
with a smile in their face,
with a smile to share about past times.

Something tells me life will never be the same,
change will not be born out of guilt or not denial,
it is about about enjoying what I have set out to do,
back home smiles remind me that
God wants us to become who we really are, and no one else.
Today, at home life makes me think again...I have lots of friends, lots of things to go for,
to be happy, to enjoy and give thanks, and to be...myself.