14 February 2020

A toast to silent creativity

I propose a toast to silent creativity,
that muse that comes uninvited, when we give her the chance.
That creativity that encourages us not to boast but to work diligently,
to be honest with ourselves and ask:  Why is it that we do what we do?

If we are seeking fame, money or ego aggrandizement, she will walk away in the same way she came in. And we will not notice.  
She will wait 'outside', patiently, for us to prepare our hearts,  to find ourselves in our work.
She will visit us in our dreams, whispering a word, an idea, a feeling,
for us to wake up and get back to work, now with humility, zeal and passion.

If we are lucky, she will keep doing this, and when we feel we are ready, we can defend her in court.
The prosecutors will argue that she is passive, useless and mystical.  

The public will get impressed by the lack of evidence.  
Most of them perhaps will ask for a refund, they thought this was a show! 

What shall we do as her only friends in the room? 
Just listen to what she whispers:  
I am with you, do not worry, just keep doing what you love doing. 
Retreat if you must, but remember your dreams, my dreams, who you are.
Seek solitude, seek friends, seek your old diaries, I will be around... 
