29 March 2016

Meet the future IT hackers: Are they Creative?

Some of my undergraduate students are passionate about technology.  They can tell you about examples of how technology transforms companies and relationships with customers and suppliers.

One student has a very clear idea of how blogs can add value to virtual games companies by enabling communication and knowledge exchange with customers.  

Another student this term impressed me with what he knows about Watson, the brain machine of IBM.  It can process millions of data and undertake millions of calculations in just seconds.

My students are not necessarily worried about, or perhaps aware of how technology is constructed or assembled. Their minds seem not to care too much about how technology works.  

As long as it works.

Still, knowing how technology works is important.  Specially if you think of hacking it! 

So I attempted to bring my own examples of how neural networks are used to build gaming competitors that can beat humans.  And of robots that can now stand hard duties.  

My aim was to raise awareness about possibilities and dilemmas raised this year (2016), the year of Artificial Intelligence as has been called by some.

Am not sure about how my examples were received.  Or if they generated the desired effects.  

Still wondering...

To me the future hackers would encounter not only operational issues but ethical ones in relation to how technology would operate.  

More than now, they will have to make decisions not only about themselves, but about human kind as a whole.

So we had better prepare ourselves and them to face up to the task.