Swansea, London, Durham.
Friends from Mexico, Colombia, Germany. We all have moved on, and are now in different places, with some ideals to fulfill yet.
Miguel and I were trying to catch a glimpse of the wind in Swansea. Lots of sport on our visit, a nice walk around the Three Cliffs Bay and the University hills (this is one of them). People seem to be quieter than in Hull. Even went to a casino where Miguel won 34 times the investment. Lucky guy eh?
Yes, we all like latin american food, this is 'bistec a lo pobre', very peasant food, but we like it, maybe we are all peasants in Latin America, but we like to eat well. And on top of that we like beer. Maybe that is the reason for the belly dancers (but you cannot see much, we have hid them well!)
Nothing like waking up after a night out, a night to remember because of the waiting of the taxi. For about an hour we gained a good glipmse of the Durham culture, including a street fight controlled by the police. All of this show for free.
But Marc,
I spoke to Cecilia about this, and she does not like the idea. I wonder why...
The home and the heart is where both of them meet. Friends help us in that search!
ya veo que pasa con tu "belly"... xq anda tan abastecida de comida... ja ja...
mu bien!! hay que cuidarse así! comiendo rico y pasándola bien... hasta lo de la espera del taxi y la pelea incluida la policía... hace divertido un finde!
p.d. no te comas la comida de la Chechi que ya veo xq esta tan flaca... je je
Have you found the philosopher's stone?
I don't think a Monk's life would suit you. They are on diets all the time :P
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