31 December 2020

Pandemic: Useful and not so useful discussions

I am now at a virtual meeting...and writing this.  

Despite the pandemic, some things seem to remain.  The competition, the "I am better than you", "it cannot be done", the “I do what I want” resurface.  

And I fight back with similar things.

This world pandemic has made us more prone to defend what we know, to do what we had in the backlog list, and to express our fears in different ways.  We have had to simplify our views of the world, and in many cases, to entrench ourselves.

Where have we left the usefulness of having a discussion not to win, or to 'move forward'?

Yes, time is precious, life is precious, let us keep the conversation going, but let’s also acknowledge that it is not about you or me only, it is about the world.  

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