3 June 2022

Where have I been? Well, I honestly don't remember

6 months ago I wrote my last blog post.  It was a reflection of how 2021 fared.  Some hope was also mentioned for this year of 2022.

Fast forward and this new year has gone very quickly so far.  Lots of teaching and dealing with new situations.  Students have not returned as expected.  Hybrid strategies and models of working have emerged.  And institutional rules have remained.  We still have deadlines, meetings to attend, panels to run to better understand how academic work has been done.  

This has generated some brain fog.  Not only me but peers who also feel that we seem to be busier than ever, as if we had to restart a heavy machinery to catch up with production.  Fortunately there are days in which this machinery stops again.  Or maybe it is our brains that do so.  Sleep and rest, rest and sleep, only to begin again with enthusiasm until the next break.  

There are glimmers of new hope for this year.  Many of us are able to go back again to our offices, have coffee, doing writing, walking or just enjoying a nice morning. Lock-down situations seem to be a thing of the past.  We need to temper these glimmers of hope with what is going on elsewhere.  Wars and conflicts are still there.  They affect us indirectly.  Our restarting of lives is cautious.  No need to fully go back to what we did, who we were or where we have been.  

We have ourselves, we have others to join in new journeys.  We still have the rest of 2022 to create how we want to live it.  For myself I am now accepting that summer is going to be busy.  The hope it is there that there will be new things and people ahead, on the roads or paths of new walks.  

So if you ask me where I have been, I do not remember much, but does it really matter?  Maybe it is more important where I plan to be, hopefully with you.  

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