25 April 2007

Roman Stuff : Hadrian's Wall

At last, we went to Hadrian's wall in the North of England. I wanted to go for ages, and now my dream has come true! We visited Vindolanda (this picture), also Chesters fort and Carlisle.

The romans built the wall to protect themselves from the 'barbarian' invasions from the North. The wall was extended, refurbished and finally abandoned, and today one can see the remains of the forts in which there were also some civilian settlements. At Vindolanda (this picture) there is a great museum where one can see objects (clothes, writing tables, jewelry, armoury and even cooking utensils).

Chesters fort is smaller, and it had also a military settlement. We managed to see some sections of the wall. The Romans liked to be near rivers, and the fort had a bridge over the river.

Carlisle was another fort which they converted into a city, one can see a street with remains of shops, a kind of roman Forum. Here (third picture) some of the house remainings, again with connections to the river and bridges.

I loved this visit!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.